Interactive Teaching and Research Center

CIEP provides teaching and research services, supplying highly advanced technological equipment, agility and modern support to undergraduate, graduate and specialization courses at FEA.

Besides its videoconferencing system, CIEP offers an integrated computer network, softboard, image projects, document camera and screen.

Videoconferencing is a resource for live communication through a digital phone-line, including images, sound and data, allowing participants to interact wherever they are.  This system provides significant contributions to better learning, research and cultural exchange. Through videoconferencing, faculty members, researchers and students participate in courses, lectures, congresses, discussion groups, meetings held at distant locations, with full and real-time interaction.

CIEP goals

  • Deliver the necessary support for information localization and recovery
  • Stimulate users to formulate strategies for research in databases available at the library
  • Promote Exchange between the academic community at FEA-SP / FEA-RP and other universities and research institutions, not only in Brazil but also abroad
  • Implement distance education programs by means of videoconferencing technology
